Instructions for completing a diary
Please fill out the diary after headache attack.
In the following, are the instructions on how to complete the form. All questions that have a red asterisk after the question number are mandatory!
- For question headache duration, enter the duration of the headache and choose the right format for time, from drop-down list (you can choose second, minute, hour or day)
- For question in the hour before the headache, have you noticed problems with vision such as flashes, zigzag lines, blind spots, or temporary numbness b> answer
yes, if you notice any of these symptoms or no, otherwise. If you answer yes, you get the additional question:
This interference last between 5 and 60 minutes? - answer yes or no.
- For question whether the headache occurred on one or both sides needs to be answered at which side of the head pain occurred.
- For question what was the headache quality? answer needs to be chosen that best describes the type of pain.
- For question whether physical activity (such as climbing stairs) worsened the headache should be answered with yes or no.
- For question How bad was your headache overall answer needs to be chosen that best describes the intensity of pain during headache.
- The following questions should be answered with yes or no:
Were you nauseated?
Did you throw up?
Were you bothered by the light?
Were you bothered by the noise?
Were you bothered by the smells?
- For question have you done something, or something has happened which may have caused the attack write everything you think
that could cause a headache. This may be something you ate or drank, what you have done (eg, skipped lunch),
or something that happened (weather changes, menstrual ...).
- For question whether during headache did you have any of the following: eye redness, tearing eyes, lower eyelid, leakage nose and congestion, sweating half of the face
answer yes, if you notice any of these symptoms or no, otherwise. If you answer yes, you get the additional questions:
Check all the symptoms you have - you need to select all the symptoms on your list that you've noticed on you during a headache,
by clicking on the name of the symptom on the left to check the symptom, and pressing the "Add" button located just below the list. Removal of selected
symptoms from the right list is possible, by pushing the button "Remove".
phenomena occurred on the side - respond to which side of the above symptoms occurred.
The number of attacks during last 24 hours - enter an integer in the text field
The number of attacks during the night - enter an integer in the text field (the number must be less than the number of attacks at the last 24 hours).
- For question Was your skin hypersensitive during a headache to hair care, makeup, shaving or putting in contact lenses caused pain? b> should be answered with yes, if you notice sensitivity to time some of these actions, or no otherwise.