Know Your Migraine Triggers
August 12, 2010.
What are migraine triggers? A set of factors that can be
both internal and external producing a migraine, are
migraine triggers. They can be connected with foods, medications, environment,
weather, hormones...
These triggers only refer to people that already
suffer from migraines. There isn't any universal triggers list because
migraine triggers are not the same for everyone. So, it's very
important to know what triggers your migraines.
Do you know your migraine triggers? The best way to identify your
migraine triggers, is to keep track of your potential triggers. It's
a good practice to write down everything that might have caused
a headache, after migraine occurs. That way you can find your
migraine triggers. So, once you get familiar with your migraine
triggers, you can avoid that triggers, in order to reduce migraine
The easiest way to keep track of your triggers
is to use
"My Migraine Diary",
because, once you create a migraine entry,
every time you log in to your account, you will be able to see most frequent
triggers and most frequent pre-migraine symptoms on your welcome page, so you don't have to calculate anything.
"My Migraine Diary" does everything for you. And above all,
it is 100% free online migraine diary, with most complete predefined migraine
triggers list. You can also insert your own triggers, that will appear every
time you want to create new headache entry.